Dr. Wayne Carr, Psychologist, focuses on what is of ultimate concern in ... Reality, Psychotherapy, Spirituality, Enlightenment, Meditation, Non-dual & Non-local Consciousness, Remote Viewing, Developmental Stages, Emotional Processes, Critical Thinking, Integration .... everything relating to the Heart, the Mind and Actuality.
The Four Quadrants
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Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Reciprocal Perception
The Lens / Mirror of Consciousness
In consciousness, the lens is is not separate from what is perceived.
A dirty lens creates noise and distortion which in turn can be perceived with distortion.
One cannot see the "flies in one's eyes" correctly because of the "flies in ones eyes".
A clear lens can be likened to the surface of a pond. When the water is quiet and not muddy it reflect or (resonates with) the outside world with little distortion and from many perspectives simultaneously.
Likewise the surface of clear quiet water reflects without distortion.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Healthy and Unhealthy Versions of Developmental Stages
My view of healthy and unhealthy developmental stages for adults
I believe the "90%/10%" rule applies to the healthiness and unhealthiness of the stages most people in the US are in.
That means that very roughly only about 10% of the people are in a healthy version of the " value meme" they are predominantly in, and very roughly 90% are in an unhealthy version of the "value meme" their "center of gravity" is in.
Focus on developmental stages has the potential of eclipsing another reality which is what Welhelm Reich called the "Emotional Plague". This is the "fact" that Neurosis has been passed down from generation to gerenation on a massive scale. This cannot be considered a normal part of development.
Below is a list of the qualities of healthy and unhealthy developmental memes
Healthy (10%)
Developmentally progressing
Open system
Degree of openess to progression
Positive movement
Appropriate pain, frustration and discomfort
Ego dystonic and syntonic rhythm
Self testing
Unhealthy (90%) None of these qualities need to be a part of ANY level of of development
Developmentally arrested
Closed system
Defended against progression
Stuckness or regression
Avoidance of frustration & pain through artificial support
Overly ego syntonic
air tight defenses
self-fulfilling belief loops
Immature, childish relative to age
Naive, Jaded