The Four Quadrants

The  Four Quadrants
The Four Quadrants

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Emotional Literacy Rough Draft

Emotional literacy in my view, is a great rarity. My guess is that less than one percent of people are emotionally literate. To become emotionally literate you must become a student of your own emotions. You must be willing to look directly at your emotions and their messages without any theory or biases. Later, you can look at emotions according to a large variety of theories.
First of all, emotions are rarely rational and rarely justified completely; and it's okay to let them stay that way. Emotions just are, feelings just are. Feelings are in large part social and desire to be expressed.
Feelings and emotions are conscious entities, they are forms of consciousness. They can operate with some independence.
The healthiest way to express emotions is to share them to an open listener who can be a safe  container, where emotions are truly shared and the other person takes it as a share and not as a "make wrong", a dump on, or an attack. Also, the other person does not have to change when an emotion is just shared. 
Emotions require a great deal of loving attention, especially ones that have been left behind in the past or have been unattended to. When they are attended to, they open up and flow. They are an important part of our life energy. A healthy person fully feels the full range of emotions, including the negative emotions (even hatred).
Emotions require exquisite sensitivity to boundaries. This includes awareness of one's own boundaries and the others boundaries One must use their eyes and ears to detect and sense boundaries. Emotions and sensory organs must be closely connected and integrated. One must use their senses in order to assess safety and risk. One must see who one is talking to. 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Put Things in Front of You

It is important to put important things in your experience in front of you. This means your pains, concerns, issues, blockages, and the unknown. Whatever is vying for your attention needs to be put in front of you in a timely manner. To put something in front of you means to give it the attention it needs. It helps to imagine that it is in the center of your vision, in front of your face. What you truly face will be processed or acted on. When you give something of true interest your full attention the noise in the mind ceases and what needs to happen will happen. Most of us live in a phobic fearful state always avoiding what we need to put and hold in front of our face. We don’t realize the incredible, empowering feeling of living a life of holding what is truly most important in front of our face. In “integral” terms it means making subjects into objects. That which is not in front of the eyes will operate from behind the eyes.

Meditative and Primal States

Meditative and Primal states: I consider these two states to be the most therapeutic of all states.  The true meditative state allows one to rest in non-dual reality to restore one's self and gain clarity.  the primal state allows one to “peel the onion”, “untie the knots” to follow the “chain of pain” to one's past pain to allow for healing. Most people do not know what the non-dual and the primal states are except in fleeting glimpses yet I think they are among the most powerful of all states.

To Be Enlightened

To be enlightened is to be extended beyond the normal mind. It is not an experience. It is that which allows for experience. It is a leap into the unknown that leaves literally everything we know and experience. It includes all the aspects of normal mind and more.

Enlightenment is a state of the universe. Everything is in a field of enlightenment. Human enlightenment means falling into the larger universal fabric-field of the universe.  This fabric or field  is beyond the mind. This field incorporates information in ways that the brain cannot keep up with. We can only rest, flow, and blossom in this field. At its deepest level the universe sings like a trillion unseen angels.  It is purely unqualifiable. This field is at the core of everything that exists. Every concept of it is false. To see that every concept of it is false is to be on the path of enlightenment.

The Enlightened Mind

The enlightened mind flows. It is never pinned down as a river can never be pinned down. It knows where, how, and when to flow, as does water. It is moved by the deepest forces of nature. It creates its own banks (a useful tool). It is source and is moved by source. only thinking pins things down. thinking is not source. Only source is source and it cannot be named, pinned down or experienced. it is the source of all experience. It is the non-place place in the no-state state. It is no mind. Awaken to what is already. It allows us to see things clearly not in terms of fragments. We can see what needs to be seen, hear what needs to be heard. It does not lose sight of the whole because it is the whole. Seeing and being are not separated. Doing and being are not separated.

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