The Four Quadrants

The  Four Quadrants
The Four Quadrants

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Reality Boxes

We all get trapped by our realty boxes. Not realizing that the boxes exist in a larger space. By always seeing the current walls of the box, by always questioning everything, by always allowing ourselves to bump up against something larger, we can continually shed and beak free of our old reality boxes. These walls were never meant to be permanent parts of our self. It can also be liken to shedding our old skin. It feels good and fresh, and can also cause stinging pain at times. To never shed your skin is to walk in deadness.

Truth is something that can always come from unexpected directions and dimensions and can spin your head around. It nourishes us, feeds us, and wakes us up, as if truth itself were intelligent. May your connection with truth always be a nourishing, exciting, intimate, and enlightening.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Remote Viewing

I can remote view and that is exhilarating. It is done in such a way that no alternative explanations are possible. It saddens, as well as, angers, frustrates and disgusts me to know how many people are not really open to discovering the truths of no-local consciousness. Pseudo seekers are pseudo finders. Really seek and ye shall really find. Perhaps to really seek is the ultimate discipline. In a sense, to really seek requires the beautiful space of non-seeking. Finding that place where doing and not doing are the same thing. See for yourself and really see.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

There is no such thing as being healthly at a stage you are stuck in

Many views of the world sugarcoat pathology including the integral approach. Few people like to use the word because almost no one likes to label or to be labeled "pathological". The so-called "developmental stages" mentioned in integral and spiral dynamics are, to me, more " stations of stuckness", or places of developmental fixation, or "stations of incremental degrees of working through pathology" than any true developmental scheme or "conveyor belt". Being stuck or fixated at a stage is pathology. You cannot have a healthy version of stuckness, only a less pathological version of it.

This is not to deny that healthy developmental schemes exist. To be healthy at a stage means: 1) you are at the appropriate age range and 2) that you are not stuck, that is, the process of development has not been arrested.

In terms of nations and cultures, just because certain values or views have not become readily available and adopted in that nation or even in the world, does not mean that that nation is not pathologically stuck or that there is a healthy version of that stuckness. (Also, I believe there is a way of proving that ALL values are available at ALL times past, present, and future. I will not go into that at present.)

Many proposed schemes of development have, in spite of their huge contribution to understanding humanity, have not, in my view, dealt correctly with what amounts to "stages of pathological stuckness".

I believe they have also not tackled Wilhelm Reich's concept of "The Emotional Plague" where pathology spreads and gets passed on from generation to generation as one of many an "anti-life", "anti-developmental" processes. (Which I will go into at a later time.)

Friday, November 7, 2008

What Is Real?

What is real is: "*&%$$#*!&%$#". How our sensory perceptual cognitive systems interpret it, make sense of it, isolate it, orient to it, model it, limit and distort it is another story. "Given-ness" is most likely a property of our interpretive systems than a quality of reality (although I wouldn't take that as given). In the ultimate sense "the territory is not the territory". Reality most likely includes an open-endedness on an inconceivable number of dimensions and transcends any definition and anything that integral or anyone else has conceived of (complex or simple.) Perhaps the less distortions, delusions, and read-ins we have, the closer we understand it and are congruent with it. I believe we are "closest" to reality through "resonation processes" (vs emulation processes) which I won't discuss now. Also, it may take vast complexity to be vastly simple.


Read-in-eze a major obstacle to seeing reality (what is real). That's the process of reading things in to (or out of) what we see and hear. It is also the process of expecting others to read-in certain thing into what we say. No-one is immune from it. We are all really good at connecting dots that aren't there, creating gestalt of things that don't exist.

We keep projecting the dots that were previously and unconsciously connected at childhood. We fill in the missing dots in the "picture" we are looking at and then we connect them and of course these connections most likely form an image that fits our current view of the world.

Conversely, we are very good at not seeing and not connecting the dots we find painful. Built-in mechanisms protect us from being overwhelmed.

All of this is done in a fraction of a second and is not likely to reach consciousness. We forget that the dot connecting processes largely involuntary and unconscious. We are sailing our boats on a sea of mostly organismic involuntary, unconscious processes. Often our current "mature" cognitive processes are but "puppets" of earlier immature self.

For every conscious process we are aware of, there are hundred of unconscious processes making that possible. To the extent early childhood wounding occurred, pain-laden unconscious processes can produce distorted conscious processes.

One way to catch these processes is in the pre-thought gap (or post-thought gap). The pre-thought gap is the space that is pre-existent to each thought in which a thought can be detected as an object before it takes hold and runs its program. if it runs its program on automatic we are deluded no matter how accurate or high level it is.

Another way is in a deep core primal release that goes all the way to the point where the wounding actually occurred in the part of the brain which, at the time, had not developed well enough to metabolize the wound. This could be called the pre-rational window. It is not just the cortex accessing unconscious memories, but it is the limbic system giving up its full content and pain in full force to the whole organism for complete discharge and assimilation.

What is real?

What is real is "*&%$$#*!&%$#". How our sensory perceptual cognitive systems interpret it, make sense of it, isolate it, orient to it, model it, limit and distort it is another story. "Given-ness" is most likely a property of our interpretive systems than a quality of reality (although I wouldn't take that as given). In the ultimate sense "the territory is not the territory". Reality most likely includes an open-endedness on an inconceivable number of dimensions and transcends any definition and anything that integral or anyone else has conceived of (complex or simple.) Perhaps the less distortions, delusions, and read-ins we have, the closer we understand it. I believe we are "closest" to reality through "resonation processes" (vs emulation process) which I won't discuss now. Also, it may take vast complexity to be vastly simple.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Affirmation of the Healing Process

I state my willingness and intention to heal. I state my willingness and intension to feel my feelings. I am willing to allow the gates to gently open. I am willing to allow the hardness to melt. I am willing to risk allowing the unknown and unexpected to emerge. No matter how painful I will be there to feel what wants to be felt. I take each pain as it emerges and gently hold it in my arms and love it. I do this because it is me that I am holding and loving. It’s OK to feel afraid and lost. I give myself support with my breath and my gentle patient attention. I ask for support from others when I need it.

I feel myself exactly as I am. I feel my forbidden impulses and longings no matter how unacceptable they may seem. There is no part of me that is not worthy of unconditional attention and healing. There is no part of me that does not deserve to unfold, heal and find its rightful place. I sense and trust my innate intelligence and power to heal all of my wounds. I trust my own rate of healing and opening up. Whatever time and patience is required I will give it. I will journey from the outer layers into my heart of heats and explore my unknown territories. I am open to discovering all of what I never knew was there (even when it goes against my previous conception of myself and of the world). I am willing to feel what has never been felt so I can be and discover who I truly am. I am a being of many levels and many processes. I ask the process of life that is within me to teach me and to continue to teach me.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Calling Delusions Delusions

I believe we need radical social honesty. There are a preponderance of currently existing social delusions. They are delusions.

Every stage of development can develop it own unique delusions.

It is wussy however, to say everyone is "partially right". People with clinical delusions are also partially right, but it does not address what needs to be addressed. The word delusion is a much needed word and a much sharper knife to cut with.

We want to be kind to the reality of others, but this does not mean coddling delusions and not honestly looking at the mechanisms which create them. This social "pathology" goes way beyond what is to be expected from people at a certain "developmental stages".

The definition of "crazy making" is "to treat that which is not sane, as sane." Crazy making invalidates and dis-empowers everyone.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Gestalt Prayer Adapted for Perspectives (rough draft)

You have your point of view
I have my point of view.

Where one point of view overlaps
we can agree to agree;
where they don't
we can agree to disagree.

Let us appreciate our differences
and morn the loss of what we may not be able to share,
and celebrate the communion of what we do share.

Your point of view may
or may not overlap
with my point of view.

I am not in this world to see
the world from your point of view.
You are not in this world
to see the world through
my point of view.

If by chance and effort I can see your point of view,
I don't need to agree with it and vice versa.

Let us move to the higher ground of perspectives on perspectives,
and if we can move to higher ground together
let us not hold on too tight
to either our perspectives
or our perspectives on perspectives.


Conversions start from the bottom up. If we can't deal with something that arises on one level, we convert it to the next higher level. The more conversions we do, the further we are from reality and the further we are from who we really are.

Nearly everyone does the following conversions, one level overflowing and being converted into the next:

1) Raw arising of object - sensation, feeling - response, memory - need from the core and from the "fertile void".

2) Next, conversion into imaginings, anticipations, expectations, projections, constant mental rehearsals etc. Past is converted into present circumstances.

3) Next, conversion into obsessive thinking & problem solving.

4) Next, conversion into rigid conclusions, beliefs & dogma that are partly unconscious and highly defended.

5) Next, conversion into delusions (which are incredibly robust).

Dying to One's Self

To lay down one's life for one's self
Allow your self to die into your organism

No longer necessary
a sacrifice of the greatest love

No one is here
no one is here!

Reality itself sees

Be seen by the trees
Be seen by the mountains
Yet there is nothing to see
There is no one to look at

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Reciprocal Perception

Reciprocal Perception means that unconsciously "I won't see, understand or EVEN PERCEIVE what you are saying until I see you perceiving and understanding what I am saying." 
Example: The Palestinians and Israelis. They don't get and CAN'T get what each other are saying, not only because as a whole they haven't developed the ability to see things through 2nd and 3rd person perspectives, but also because they don't even perceive the each other's perspective in the first place. Completely unconsciously operating: "If you can't see me, I can't see you"

The Lens / Mirror of Consciousness

In consciousness, the lens is is not separate from what is perceived.

A dirty lens creates noise and distortion which in turn can be perceived with distortion.

One cannot see the "flies in one's eyes" correctly because of the "flies in ones eyes".

A clear lens can be likened to the surface of a pond. When the water is quiet and not muddy it reflect or (resonates with) the outside world with little distortion and from many perspectives simultaneously.

Likewise the surface of clear quiet water reflects without distortion.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Healthy and Unhealthy Versions of Developmental Stages

My view of healthy and unhealthy developmental stages for adults

I believe the "90%/10%" rule applies to the healthiness and unhealthiness of the stages most people in the US are in.

That means that very roughly only about 10% of the people are in a healthy version of the " value meme" they are predominantly in, and very roughly 90% are in an unhealthy version of the "value meme" their "center of gravity" is in.

Focus on developmental stages has the potential of eclipsing another reality which is what Welhelm Reich called the "Emotional Plague". This is the "fact" that Neurosis has been passed down from generation to gerenation on a massive scale. This cannot be considered a normal part of development.

Below is a list of the qualities of healthy and unhealthy developmental memes

Healthy (10%)

Developmentally progressing

Open system

Degree of openess to progression


Positive movement

Appropriate pain, frustration and discomfort

Ego dystonic and syntonic rhythm


Self testing




Unhealthy (90%) None of these qualities need to be a part of ANY level of of development

Developmentally arrested

Closed system

Defended against progression


Stuckness or regression

Avoidance of frustration & pain through artificial support

Overly ego syntonic

air tight defenses

self-fulfilling belief loops

Immature, childish relative to age

Naive, Jaded

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