The Four Quadrants

The  Four Quadrants
The Four Quadrants

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Calling Delusions Delusions

I believe we need radical social honesty. There are a preponderance of currently existing social delusions. They are delusions.

Every stage of development can develop it own unique delusions.

It is wussy however, to say everyone is "partially right". People with clinical delusions are also partially right, but it does not address what needs to be addressed. The word delusion is a much needed word and a much sharper knife to cut with.

We want to be kind to the reality of others, but this does not mean coddling delusions and not honestly looking at the mechanisms which create them. This social "pathology" goes way beyond what is to be expected from people at a certain "developmental stages".

The definition of "crazy making" is "to treat that which is not sane, as sane." Crazy making invalidates and dis-empowers everyone.

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