The Four Quadrants

The  Four Quadrants
The Four Quadrants

Monday, December 11, 2006

From Pre-rational to Pseudo-rational to Trans-rational

"Second sight"
Strong intuition
Self-regulation of cognitive processes
Seeing many relationships at once
Seeing multi-level truths
Seeing the whole picture
Seeing the relationship to the whole.
Using processes that transcend thought
Emergence of "Thought balls": unitary multi-perspective thoughts
Very large "pre-thought" space or interval
"Non-local" abilities of the brain are well integrated with the "local" abilities
EQ is integrated with IQ
Able to see things absolutely fresh
includes, assimilates and transcends the rational

Doing things because they make sense
A healthy "sense of making sense"
Thought itself tends to be inherently logical in nature
Clarity of thought - thoughts tend to form clear "figure-grounds"
Questioning as many assumptions as possible because it makes sense
Starting from honest "not knowing"
Doesn't jump into thought immediately
Large "pre-thought" space
Ability to "chew" on ideas (taste, bite-off, de-structure and assimilate ideas)
Love and passion for the taste of trueness
Healthy skepticism, not afraid to doubt
Beliefs are manipulated or changed to fit current "sense of making sense" rather than vice versa
The "sense of making sense" compels one to carefully look at the available data and actively pursue data that is missing or not yet explored.
All sources of data can be looked at with discernment

Follows logical procedures, but does it more because that is what one was taught, than because it makes sense.
Being right in doing things right or "correctly" has a higher valence than making sense
Complying with criticisms of peers has a higher valence than making sense
No pre-thought space, jumps right into thinking
Tends to start with a conclusion or with pre-categorizing.
"Should's" have a higher valence than making sense
Many scientists and pseudo-skeptics come from a pseudo-rational perspective
Immediately takes a position and defends it
Tends to submit to pressure to " stay in the box" to avoid peer ridicule
tendency to "fuse" their "sense of making sense with their previous conclusions.
Rational operations can be manipulated to fit previous conclusions or beliefs

Either "gaping-minded" or "closed-minded"
Swallows things whole without chewing or tasting
Magical thinking
Black and white thinking
The sense of "making sense" is relatively undeveloped.
Rational operations easily manipulated to fit previous conclusions or beliefs

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